Our products

Tangible asset management
Every company has its inventory (computers, furniture, office equipment etc.). Some have more, some less. Quite often management of these assets can cause additional problems, which could be avoided.
A lot of additional information is needed for inventory administrators to manage inventory in the most efficient way. But it is very inconvenient to carry a computer through the offices while searching for some specific item. Also it is not easy and takes a lot of time to find the specific inventory and to match its information.
UAB DS Projektai is engaged in warehousing and assets management solutions. We have been developing the MIVS system for more than 10 years. This system is successfully used by a number of state institutions, including the Government Office, the President Office, various ministries, departments - more than 20 implementations in total.
We offer the use of modern technologies and IT tools for asset management. Convenient small devices will allow you to have all the necessary information with you, and RFID technology will help you quickly and accurately identify the inventory. Now, customers are successfully using the MIVS mobile module adapted to the Android operating system.
Many employees use the company’s equipment and even more of them have access to it, so sometimes it may become hard to keep track of all of the company’s assets. This lack of accuracy can cause unaccounted inventory loses. MIVS inventory system can help you deal with this. The benefits include:
- Quickly identify missing or misplaced assets;
- Decrease the time it takes to conduct complete inventories;
- Eliminate the old “pen-and-paper” inventory approach and time consuming asset searches;
- Reduce the costly human errors by eliminating reliance on manual input and inefficiencies in asset tracking and reporting;
- Due to RFID technology there is no need to be in direct line of sight: inventory tags can be read through various items, so there will be no need to crawl under desks or open cabinets;
- Database independent. Integrates with any database of ERP system.
RFID technology gives a great boost in assets management efficiency when compared with standard paper or barcode technology based systems. MIVS system eliminates time-consuming, labour-intensive, error-prone processes and gives detailed accounts of the location and status of each piece of equipment, enabling companies to streamline operations and better plan for the future.

It can be a iventory management data collection add on for you ERP system or it can be an stand alone assets management system. Either way, the information you have about your company's assets will always be on time and acurate.
This could be an add-on to your business management system to capture inventory or inventory movement data, or it could be a stand-alone system that takes data from your business management system and processes it. Either way, you will always have accurate and timely information about the assets managed by your business.
You ca reach the system anytime from anywhere:
- System is installed on the server;
- Every client logs into the system via internet browser;
- User can manage all the inventory he is responsible for..

Flexibility of MIVS software configuration possibilities lets it fulfill the needs of various clients. Wide possibilities for data transfer will be suitable for various ERP systems.

MIVS system’s distinct feature is that implements what is best in both RFID and barcode technologies. RFID technology lets you scan lots of inventory tags at the same time. Moreover, it does not need direct line of sight to read an RFID tag.

Mobile handheld terminal already has all the information needed to identify inventory, so now you can make inventory assignments on the spot. They, just as inventory counts, will be transferred to You ERP system right after You finish the current procedure.

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