Solutions for the public sector

Inventory tagging
Assets counting and control can become a big headache for many companies. Assets travel from one room to another, from one person to other. After some time such question can arrise:
- Do we know where we can find specific equipment right now?
- When and where was a specific tool acquired?
- Is warranty still valid for this equipment
- Who is responsible for this equipment?
A lot of additional information is needed for inventory administrators to manage inventory in the most efficient way. But it is very inconvenient to carry a computer through the offices while searching for some specific item. Also it is not easy and takes a lot of time to find the specific inventory and to match its information.
One solution
RFID is a modern technology, which provides many benefits and possibilities. In our assets management system we use special RFID labels (tags) for data encryption, and to read this data from the RFID tags we use specially designed handheld computers. Our software development team designed the system so it can be easily integrated with your ERP system. This means that during the inventory count You will have all the information with You, and after it will be automatically transferred to Your ERP system.
Complies with client requirements:
Flexibility of MIVS software configuration possibilities lets it fulfill the needs of various clients. Wide possibilities for data transfer will be suitable for various ERP systems.
High speed:
Mobile handheld terminal already has all the information needed to identify inventory, so now you can make inventory assignments on the spot. They, just as inventory counts, will be transferred to You ERP system right after You finish the current procedure.
Labels, tags and printing

Any kind of RFID or barcode technology implementation is impossible without labels or RFID tags. You can buy them with information already printed on them, but it is impracticalk and it can make the whole system useless. We offer our customers to print/encode their own labels and RFID tags.
NiceLabel software lets You create Your own label designs and choose any variable information You might need. Or, on the other hand, You can leave the task of preparation to us.
List of goods/products/materials moving through Your business is quite stable and does not require frequent changes in the label design? In that case, we would like to offer You PrintOnly version of NiceLabel software. This version will not let You create new labels, but You will be able to print labels with already created designs through NiceLabel forms.
All of the printing-related processes can be conveniently controlled throught NiceLabel print forms, which will be designed according to Your needs. Your company employees will be able to choose one of the pre-designed labels, their quantities, printers, variable information on them or add some new information if need be. Wider description of NiceLabel software can be found here, short introduction to labels and tags we offer can be found here. For more information please contact

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